Thursday, August 11, 2011

Awesome August

Patrick, Crystal, Jackson, Logan, Molly, Jeremy, Lily, Layla, Joey, mom, and dad came to the cottage in August and missed one person...SARAH. We had fun, but, remember Mokey in many discussions. She was at school going to the prom with Charlton. We know that she was having fun.

This picture says it all. We spent a lot of time on the beach. The weather was glorious.

Logan was checking out everyone and after he gave you his stare, he would break out into a big smile.

Joey enjoyed the boat rides and his life jacket.

Maribeth Burton Taylor and her mom, Pat, came for a visit. It was good to see old friends from Crystal Lake.

We ate on the porch for every meal. Jackson and Layla ate at their own separate table and loved it. As soon as they were done, they would run down to the beach and play in the sand and throw rocks in the water.

We celebrated dad's birthday with a yummy meal and presents. Lily loves snuggling with grampy.
The two new babies, Mr. Moo and Joe Bo had lots of bonding time with Aunt Molly.

Awwwww, the love of cousins!

Grammy LOVES her new grandsons.

More cousin bonding.

J-Man takes a breather from "daddy" responsibilities.

Jackson was a very busy boy on the beach. So much sand to move and rocks to throw!

Layla uses her building talents to make a sand castle.

Layla stops for just a moment to cool off.

Patrick takes on sky skiing. This is a picture of the hydro foil. Very difficult sport.

After many attempts, he gets the hang of it and masters yet another water sport.

All in all, it was a family bonding time. Can't wait for Mokey to come home at the end of the month. As you can see, Patrick and Dad totally relax and find a new use for the baby seats.

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