Friday, June 8, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

The weather report anticipated a BEAUTIFUL Memorial Day Weekend, so we hopped in the car, threw in our bags, our boys, and headed north!
Patrick didn't have to start work yet and we knew this would be a fabulous weekend!

We arrived after a mere 4 hour drive and Logan was ecstatic to find a "ball"!

Jackson was happy to see the lake and all the toys!

There was some great wind and so Patrick was able to go kiteboarding right behind the cottage!

The next day we slept in (til 8!) and then got a series of phone calls which kind of put a damper on our day (more about that later),
but the sun was shining and we were itching for a boat ride.
We put our worries aside and spent the day playing with the boys!
We played on the beach, ate lunch outside, bathed in the sunshine, and then ventured into town for some shopping, fudge, caramel apples, ice cream, and dinner!

After dinner we watched boats go through the channel and the bridge go up, then chased the boys around the marina, and just loved on each other!

The McNutts (M&T)  arrived that night and boy were we  happy to see them!
Then the next day us girls went out for pedi's and coke/diet cokes and that was JUST what the doctor ordered!

They did a FABULOUS job.......

We were all getting ready to go out to dinner and the boys were getting a bit hairy, so the Nutts thought it would be a great idea to send Patrick and I out ourselves.
It was so wonderful and the weather was beautiful so we went out and had some yummy food.

That night I was SO pumped to try a new dessert,
Banana Boats!
No one else shared my enthusiasm so I was left alone to enjoy this delicious treat.
(They don't know how bad they were missing out!)

I loaded it with chocolate chips and butterscotch chips.

The next morning I was introduced to "Egg McNutts" and I am over the moon excited about that.
These things are my new favorite breakfast.

It was cold and rainy, so we ventured to Petoskey for lunch, a pie, and to check out some shops.
Well, the shops were closed, our lunch spot "Julienne Tomatoes" was closed too, so we settled for Grand Traverse Bay Pie Company. The day wasn't a bust because Patrick was able to get his coveted "Apple/Raspberry Crumb Pie"!
We got a surprise phone call from Molly that she was on her way up with the kiddos and Jackson was SO happy to have his cousins to play with!

We did all sorts of fun things together!
We had a feast of a dinner that night....
steak, twice baked new potatoes, veggies, and bread!

Logan loved spending time with his Grampy and had plenty of smiles and giggles to share.

The next day we spent some time on the jet-ski's. 
Jackson went first with Daddy!

Then Lily and I went out and made some waves!

and later the kid's had a blast swinging in the hammock!

Paddy did some sky-ski...

Lily and I were the spotters on the boat

and that night we all had a pizza party!

Now that's a fabulous Memorial Day Weekend!

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