Monday, September 3, 2012

Fun with Family February

Ever since Christmas, we have been trying to gather the cousins together and finally after sickie times, job fairs, bad weather and all, we met at Molly and J-Man's house for a short but fun time. (We missed Mokey :( however)
We arrived Friday afternoon and let the kids just play. Friday night Molly made a yummy dinner, while the snow picked up its strength outside. Dad and I had made reservations at a hotel so that we could take everyone swimming that night. So, after dinner, we climbed into our cars, with our bathing suits either on, or in tow. We arrived at the hotel to check in and low and behold, guess what was going on! A huge cheer leading convention...yippee. The pool was packed with giggly cheerleaders in bikinis. So...we turned around and went back to M and J's.
The next day we went to the Children's Museum and that was a hit.
Jackson was entranced with something...and so was his mom and dad.

Joey may be showing some musical interest.

Lily is scheduling appointments for a dentist.

Layla is getting down to the task of cleaning teeth.

Jackson and Layla are making a picture with shapes...

Logan is riding into the sunset...future cowboy?

Logan is "havin' a ball"...

Lily "gets down" with the guitar.

Lily has a quiet moment with the guitar.

Mommy and Joey cuddling..

Daddy and Logan cuddling...

The men sharing moments....

We leave the Grand Rapids Children's Museum with good memories.

The next weekend the Stewarts and Grandparents go up to the cottage and celebrate Layla's birthday. Layla wants ice cream for her birthday, not cake. She makes a wish and blows out the candles for her fourth birthday.

We have some snow...something that has not been seen very much this winter.

When Layla eats toast, she get to the center of things.

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