Monday, July 4, 2011

Stewart girls + Grammy and Grampy

Molly and J-Man (and Joey) went for a couple of days to celebrate their anniversary in Traverse City. The girls stayed at the cottage with us for 3 rainy days. The first day we did get to go to the park before it started raining. We were there for 4 hours with Layla running back and forth from one playground to the other. Lily, as usual, found friends to play with, but did not care for the seagulls that I was feeding with bread crumbs. The next 2 days were fun with indoor activities...dressing up as brown bear (grammy) and princess deer (Lily), coloring pictures,
making play dough, and pretzels. Molly, J-Man arrived Wed. afternoon, after having a good, but also, rainy time.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you dare tease me Paddy and J-man about this picture of me dressed up as Brown Bear. I already know that it is scary.
